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Filter posts based on categories selected by the user in the front end

  • Hi, i’m using Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress and i created a taxonomy field with checkboxes.
    The goal is, when a user signs up, in the sign up form, they are presented with the option to select post categories (all of this on the front end). So when they are logged in, posts only from the selected categories are to be shown automatically in a section of the front page..

    So far, i managed to put checkboxes in the sign up form (also on the edit account page) with all the categories. The categories IDs are stored in the database, but i can’t find a way to filter the categories with these IDs automatically.

    It’s something like what Pinterest does. When a user signs up they choose their favorite categories, and then they see pins from these categories.

    Also it’s something like this user asked in stackoverflow, but it hasn’t been answered completely.

    I don’t know much about PHP and functions in WordPress that’s why i don’t post some code that i’ve tried.

    If there is a better way to do all this please do tell me.

    Thanks in advance.

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