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file pdf repeater (acf pro)

  • Hi, sorry for my bad english, I have to upload to my client the pdf files (one for each year of your product), you must use Repeater so that can add as many pdfs are needed.
    I had already prepared this for him (without repeater) by inserting many “upload pfd” buttons (one for each year) in the back end, then I showed the front-end buttons to open every pdf and everything worked.
    But now with Repeater I can upload backend but I can not show the button to view the pdf files in the front end. Can you help me?

  • Hi @c4web

    Not sure if I clearly understand you however, I beleive you would like to show a link to the file (pdf)

    Kindly have a look at the following article on how to access the sub_field values.

    Hope this helps.

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