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Fields does not show in post page until publish

  • Hello…
    can’t ignore that this plugin is the best plugin for WordPress by far, and thank you so much for it
    I have a field group, with condition that it shows when post type is equal to custom post type, and taxonomy of that custom post equal to taxonomy 1
    It works fine, but after I publish the post, not when I select the specific taxonomy..
    please help…

  • When this happens it’s usually because there is either a PHP or JavaScript error that’s preventing the AJAX request from completing. Turn on debugging and error logging in WP to see if there are any php errors during the request and look for any JS errors on the page.

  • Thanks for your reply…
    I did what you suggested, showed me some kinda error related to WPML plugin… not sure if it’s the problem. and it’s a crucial plugin in the site I’m working on.. just like ACF.. but i’ll deactivate it and c what haeppen
    thanks, I’ll get back to u

  • Back again, it kinda solve the problem… but when switching to the other language.. the problem returns… but any how, I think I know what caused the problem..
    and thanks for your help

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