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Field Id's Names

  • Hi

    I was just wondering if it’s possible to change the field ID’s names for fields.
    eg i’d like
    <input id=”acf-field_595256d23441c” class=”” name=”acf[field_595256d23441c]” value=”” placeholder=”” type=”text”>

    to be
    <input id=”acf-field_make” class=”” name=”acf[field_make]” value=”” placeholder=”” type=”text”>

    Im sure when i loaded a form in before it had the name of the field in there rather than the acf-field_595256d23441c

    Does acf[field_595256d23441c] stay the same every time the form is loaded? if so i can just target that.

  • As far as I know ACF has always used the field keys for these values. No you cannot change these except for changing the field keys (field keys must start with “field_”). Yes, these stay the same, these are the field keys which uniquely identify each field.

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