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Field groups restricted to user role not showing up when changing user role

  • I’m trying to add a field to the user location.

    When I add a condition to only show for a certain role, the fields don’t show up when I chose the role.


    I have a post type called “Location” and I’m trying to add the Post Object field for Location to the User form. This works with no conditions but when I add a user role condition to only show the field for Admin level, the field doesn’t show up when I change the role select to Admin.

    Unless it works the other way around where the role condition is based on the viewing user’s permissions.

    Hopefully it’s what I originally thought!

    Thanks for an amazing plugin.

  • It works the second way, it’s based on the currently logged in user, that being you.

  • Actually, I just did some testing. It seems to work in the first way, based on the role of the user you are creating.

    I’m currently an administrator and I set a field for User Location to only show up with the following conditions:

    User Form is equal to Add / Edit AND
    User Role is equal to Administrator

    The User Location field does not show up.

    When I change the second condition to be:

    User Role is equal to Subscriber

    The field shows up

    This is because the default level when creating a new user is Subscriber.

    There just doesn’t seem to be any dynamic logic for when that field changes. Which would be awesome. I can currently function with removing the second condition completely as there are only Admins and Authors.

  • Hi guys

    This is all correct.
    Ill have a look at adding in dynamic logic to update the field’s when changing the role

  • I’m having the same problem in the latest ACF PRO (5.5.14).

    When will (role-based) dynamic logic be implemented to the User Add form?

  • I’m having the same problem in the latest ACF PRO (5.6.10).

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