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Field Groups not showing on options sub page

  • Hi

    I have created an options sub page that sits under the Appearance tab of default WordPress. Here is the code I used to do this:

    		'page_title' 	=> 'Media Centre',
    		'menu_title'	=> 'Media Centre',
    		'parent_slug' 	=> 'themes.php'

    I have then created a field group and have assigned it to this page. When I go to this page to add data in, I get this message: “No Custom Field Groups found for this options page.”

    However, when I change the options page to not be a sub-page, the field group shows up and I am able to enter data.

    Is there something that I am missing in my code that allows the sub pages to access the field groups?

    I am using ACF v5.3.0 and WP v4.8.1.


  • My first suggestion would be to update ACF. I tried it in the latest version and it is working for me. I don’t have any sites with 5.3.0 installed, so, it could have been something in that version, or maybe it is that version in combination with WP 4.8.1. It could also be a conflict with another plugin.

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