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featured image problems – acf widgets incompatibility with page widgets plugin

  • Hi,
    i’m trying to use acf pro with the page widgets plugin, and it turned out i have a strange problem with the featured images of posts and pages: the media panel shows up, i can choose the image, but image doesn’t get attached to post (the call to admin-ajax.php tells post_id = 0 instead of the post id, and i receive -1 as a return from admin-ajax).

    To investigate further, page widgets allows to add custom widgets per pages, and i have a list of some acf widgets there. the global acf.o in this page (wp-admin/post-new.php) has {post_id: 0}

    Interestingly enough (but of course not a solution),
    if in acf\core\input.php line 240 i add an ironic sentence:

    $o = array(
    	'post_id'=> acf_get_form_data('post_id').'welcomebackfeaturedimage',

    tada, i can use the featured image again (it gets selected and saved).

    Do you have any suggestion about this situation (i can’t imagine why acf.o.post_id interferes with featured image selection, but i see it’s connected).
    But i can guess that the acf widget, in that situation, loses selfconsciousness cause post_id perhaps should be the id of a widget but this widget is inside a post.. so i assume it’s confusing… for me at least 🙂

    Do you see any workaround?

  • You’re probably right that ACF is getting confused, but I can’t find a “Page Widgets” plugin to take a look at it. Can you provide a link?

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