I need to extend acf/fields/relationship/query/name={$field_name} – filter
for match search string also inside related post custom relatioship field.
I’ll try to give sense to that sentence:
My news post has a relationship field which points to events custom post type.
Again my event custom post has a relationship field which points to submitters custom post type.
When I’m editing my news post and I want to quickly find events to relate with it, I need to extend the query filter for “events” to search also in
related submitters title.
I hope someone understand what I mean.
Thanks in advance
This isn’t going to be possible using the standard ACF relationship field.
Even if there was a filter hook available to return the posts you’d need to search the post type that is related to the post type and then do a reverse relationship query to return the posts in the first post type. My head hurts thinking about it 🙂