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Exporting data from ACF (Pro) added using gravity forms

  • Hey Everyone,

    For a website, we are using gravity forms in combination with ACF (pro).
    When a commit is made (using the gravity form) it will generate a custom POST_TYPE.

    I have written an exporter for the data of those post types.
    I can export almost all data except data from a group. The weird thing is when I go to the specific post type and save (update) it I have no problem exporting it.

    When we look in the database and update the post there are a lot more postmeta then posted with gravity forms.

    Script to generate fields

                'key'                   => 'group_xxx',
                'title'                 => 'Group',
                'fields'                => array(
                        'key'               => 'field_xxxx',
                        'label'             => 'Band members',
                        'name'              => 'band_members',
                        'type'              => 'repeater',
                        'instructions'      => '',
                        'required'          => 0,
                        'conditional_logic' => 0,
                        'wrapper'           => array(
                            'width' => '',
                            'class' => '',
                            'id'    => '',
                        'collapsed'         => '',
                        'min'               => 0,
                        'max'               => 0,
                        'layout'            => 'table',
                        'button_label'      => '',
                        'sub_fields'        => array(
                                'key'               => 'field_xxx',
                                'label'             => 'Name',
                                'name'              => 'name',
                                'type'              => 'text',
                                'instructions'      => '',
                                'required'          => 0,
                                'conditional_logic' => 0,
                                'wrapper'           => array(
                                    'width' => '',
                                    'class' => '',
                                    'id'    => '',
                                'default_value'     => '',
                                'placeholder'       => '',
                                'prepend'           => '',
                                'append'            => '',
                                'maxlength'         => '',
                                'key'               => 'field_xxxxx',
                                'label'             => 'Surname',
                                'name'              => 'surname',
                                'type'              => 'text',
                                'instructions'      => '',
                                'required'          => 0,
                                'conditional_logic' => 0,
                                'wrapper'           => array(
                                    'width' => '',
                                    'class' => '',
                                    'id'    => '',
                                'default_value'     => '',
                                'placeholder'       => '',
                                'prepend'           => '',
                                'append'            => '',
                                'maxlength'         => '',
                                'key'               => 'field_xxxx',
                                'label'             => 'Instrument',
                                'name'              => 'instrument',
                                'type'              => 'text',
                                'instructions'      => '',
                                'required'          => 0,
                                'conditional_logic' => 0,
                                'wrapper'           => array(
                                    'width' => '',
                                    'class' => '',
                                    'id'    => '',
                                'default_value'     => '',
                                'placeholder'       => '',
                                'prepend'           => '',
                                'append'            => '',
                                'maxlength'         => '',

    Script to export data (part of it)

    $field_groups = acf_get_field_groups();
            if (is_admin()) {
                if (isset($_GET['export_showcases'])) {
                    $showcases = new \WP_Query(array(
                        'post_type'      => 'showcase',
                        'posts_per_page' => -1,
                    if ($showcases->have_posts()) {
                        while ($showcases->have_posts()) {
                            $exportArray['bandname'] = get_the_title();
                            $exportArray['genre']    = implode(", ", wp_get_post_terms(get_the_id(), 'showcase_genre', array("fields" => "names")));
                            $bandMembers = null;
                            if (is_array(get_field('band_members'))) {
                                foreach (get_field('band_members') as $key => $bandMember) {
                                    $bandMembers .= $bandMember['name'] . ' ' . $bandMember['surname'] . ': ' . $bandMember['instrument'];
                                    if ($key + 1 < count(get_field('band_members'))) {
                                        $bandMembers .= ', ';
                            $exportArray['bandmembers']       = $bandMembers;
                            $exportArray['longlist']          = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'longlist', true);
                            $exportArray['shortlist']         = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'shortlist', true);
                            $exportArray['personal_interest'] = wp_count_comments(get_the_id())->total_comments;
                            $exportArray['management_name']   = get_field('management_name');
                            $exportArray['contact_name']      = get_field('contact_name');
                            $exportArray['contact_surname']   = get_field('contact_surname');
                            $exportArray['contact_address']   = get_field('contact_address');
                            $exportArray['contact_zipcode']   = get_field('contact_zipcode');
                            $exportArray['contact_town']      = get_field('contact_town');
                            $exportArray['contact_email']     = get_field('contact_email');
                            $exportArray['contact_phone']     = get_field('contact_phone');
                            $exportData[]                     = $exportArray;
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