When adding images or others in the gallery field, I want to know if it is possible to exlure some mime types. I found nothing in the options.
Thank you in advance.
This one is a bit old but I just came across the need to do this. I don’t exclude videos, but I like to exclude PNGs and TIFFs on Image fields because their file sizes can be wildly large. Here’s how I do it:
function prevent_certain_image_uploads($errors, $file, $attachment, $field, $context) {
$disallowed_formats = array('png', 'tiff');
if(in_array(strtolower($file['type']), $disallowed_formats)) {
$errors['mime_types'] = sprintf(__('File type may not be %s.', 'acf'), strtoupper($file['type']));
return $errors;
add_filter('acf/validate_attachment/type=image', __NAMESPACE__.'\\prevent_certain_image_uploads', 10, 5);
It’s pretty easy to adapt this to your use case, just add the file extensions you want to exclude to the $disallowed_formats
array and you should be good to go!