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Error- Cheatin’ uh? Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type.

  • I’d just install ACF and then click on “Custom Fields”. It gives this error. “Cheatin’ uh? Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type.”

    Appreciate any help!!

  • Never mind, looks like ACF and User Role Editor are not compatible with each other. ACF works If I deactivate URE.
    Author@ Is there any way to debug that part? Please suggest!

  • I also just ran into this — and this is the second time. I can’t remember how I solved it the first time, but I don’t think it had anything to do with URE. This time, though, deactivating URE does help.

  • Looks like if you re-save the administrator role it corrects the issue

  • Two years later and I’m having the same issue – re-saving the admin role doesn’t correct it – have to turn off my User Role Editor plugin. Can this be fixed? Will ping URE too.

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