I’m trying to echo the names of more than 1 taxonomy which is set in an array ($orty) of each specific post.
The array now has for example 3 IDs of taxonomies inside. I want to find out the names of these specific taxonomy IDs and echo them in a row with | between them.
I was able to get the IDs of the taxonomies and output them in a row
$orty = get_field("acf-property-location", get_the_ID());
when I used foreach afterwards.
But finally I’ll need the names of the taxonomies in a row and not only the IDs.
I thought about using foreach to echo the names of the taxonomies that are set in $orty
foreach (get_field( $orty ) as $termy)
echo $termy.'|';
But sure this code is wrong. 😉
Or should I better use something like get_the_terms?
My PHP-skills aren’t the best, but I’m still learning, so please help me out and if possible explain me why I should code it different.
Thanks for your help guys!
Is the field acf-property-location
returning term objects or term IDs.
If you want to echo the names of the terms then it would be easiest to return term objects.
$orty = get_field("acf-property-location", get_the_ID());
foreach (get_field( $orty ) as $termy) {
echo termy->name,' | ';