Hi! I’m trying for several months now to achieve a specific task.
I want to have a field in which I can input the whatsapp number, but to have the “https://wa.me/” and the append text “?text=exampletext” already fixed.
Hope that makes sense. The reason I need this is that I use a frontend from for user to create posts and input their contact info.
I tried the text field with prepend and append, but it’s not working.
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated!
I found a way to do it!
I made 3 shortcodes, one for the “https” part, one for the “whatsapp number” ACF field, and one for the final message.
It works great.
I leave the exact code in case someone needs it
// Prepend shortcode
function https_wa_shortcode() {
return 'https://wa.me/549';
add_shortcode('https_wa', 'https_wa_shortcode');
// Append shortcode
function hi_wa_shortcode() {
return '?text=Hi! ';
add_shortcode('hi_wa', 'hi_wa_shortcode');
// Post title shortcode
function post_title_shortcode(){
return get_the_title();
// Append shortcode
function text_wa_shortcode() {
return ', here is the last part of the text.';
add_shortcode('text_wa', 'text_wa_shortcode');