Hello, I need some help to solve this issue.
I need to display a list of posts from a specific category and below I need to display a list of selected pages, in basic HTML it would be something like this:
<li><a href="post-url">Post 1 Title</a></li>
<li><a href="post-url">Post 2 Title</a></li>
<li><a href="post-url">Post 2 Title</a></li>
<li><a href="page-url">Page 1 Title</a></li>
<li><a href="page-url">Page 2 Title</a></li>
The first part works just fine, I’m using the taxonomy field. The second part is what I can’t resolve. I’m using the post_object field to show the pages but I couldn’t create the right loop, this is what I have:
<div class="travel-featured">
<h3><?php echo get_field('featured_posts_title'); ?></h3>
<!-- Display list of posts -->
<?php $postcat = get_field('featured_posts');
$catquery = new WP_Query( 'cat=' . $postcat . '&posts_per_page=-1' );
if ($postcat) : ?>
<?php while($catquery->have_posts()) : $catquery->the_post(); ?>
<li><h6><span class="dashicons dashicons-minus"></span> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h6></li>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif;
wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
<!-- Display list of pages -->
<?php $post_objects = get_field('featured_pages');
if ($post_objects) : ?>
<?php foreach( $post_objects as $post_object): ?>
<li><h6><span class="dashicons dashicons-marker"></span> <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($post_object->ID); ?>"><?php echo get_the_title($post_object->ID); ?></a></h6></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
This returns the current page URL and title for each selected page.
You can see the page here: https://mybeautybunny.com/travel-guide-example/