Help me please
I used wp_insert_post to create new post in cpt
what needs to be sent to the field “meta_input” add to Data Picker in ACF?
when I send in data (ex 2029) POST all right – https://prnt.sc/1x73dvk
but in new post acf field (Data Picker) only 1970 – https://prnt.sc/1x72yu8
for other fields all ok
My code like this
$advert_name = $_POST[‘advert_name’];
$advert_rent_date = $_POST[‘advert_rent_date’];
$advert_new = [
‘ID’ => ”,
‘post_type’ => ‘offers’,
‘meta_input’ => [
‘name’ => $advert_name,
‘date’ => $advert_rent_date
‘post_content’ => $advert_desc,
‘post_title’ => $advert_title,
‘post_status’ => ‘pending’
$post_id = wp_insert_post($advert_new);
The date field must be in the format “YYYMMDD”
You must also set the acf field key reference. The name of the field is the same as your field name prepended with an underscore, example: “_date” and the value of this field is the field key for the date field, example: “field_123456789”