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Custom Field Datepicker shows up on Ctg Page with wrong date in Genesis theme

  • This is in the Genesis news-pro theme.
    I’ve added the custom field for ‘Expiration Date’ and put the following code in the theme’s functions.php

    // ———————-
    // custom fields for posts
    // ———————-

    add_action(‘genesis_entry_content’, ‘expiration_date’);

    function expiration_date(){

    if (is_single() && genesis_get_custom_field(‘expiration_date’))

    $date = genesis_get_custom_field(‘expiration_date’);
    $date2 = date(“F j, Y”, strtotime($date));
    echo ‘<hr /> <div id=”expiration_date”>Expires: ‘. $date2 .'</div>’;

    I initially had an issue that on the posts it was ignoring date formats. This adaptation works but now I notice on the category pages a date show sup in the preview as:

    Expires: January 1, 1970

    I assume that is blank data for that date to appear. However, I don’t want the expiration date to show on the category page, or if it does, it must have the correct date.

    The site is currently at – Click on the menu item such as ‘Things To Do’ which will pull the category.

    Appreciate any help.


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