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Custom archives and post lists in elementor

  • Hello. I’ve made a couple of field groups and even managed to use the relationship field to create contextual lists. Great!

    I have to make some custom archives and post lists, however, and I’m not sure even where the code would go (given that I’m using ACF, Elementor, Elementor Hello child theme and Code Snippets).

    I need to have the post lists and archives display some specific custom fields, and remove some of the standard wordpress fields.

    I’m sure there is an article or something detailing this, but I’m having difficulty.

    I also need to be able to sort some of the archives and post lists by an “event date” field that is a custom field, rather than by the “post date”.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if you could just post some links for me to read up. Thanks.

  • I installed Ele Custom Skin, and it does a great job in allowing you to “skin” the lists and archives, but I still need to sort by the event date.

    The following is pretty close:

    $currentDate = date('Ymd');	
    $args = array(
        'numberposts' => -1,
       'meta_key' => 'date',
        'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
        'order' => 'ASC',
    	'meta_query' => array( 
    	        'key'		=> 'date',
    	        'compare'	=> '>=',
    	        'value'		=> $currentDate,


    However, I’m not sure how to make that code available to Elementor.

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