I have a few field groups set up for different elements throughout the website theme I’m working on. This theme is on a multisite, and it will potentially be used for a dozen sites or so. I know you can set up the rules of a field group to show it on specific pages, but as I start using this theme for more sites, I don’t want to have to update the field groups in a bunch of different places on a bunch of different sites.
Not sure if this is possible, but I was wondering if there’s a way that I can set up a master field group for each page that asks something like: “Do you need x field group?” for each one, and if the value to the question is “Yes,” conditionally show the field group. For example, two of the element field groups I set up are a comparison chart field group and a specifically formatted list field group, so I’d want to set up a third field group that asks “Do you need a comparison chart?” and “Do you need a formatted list?” If the answer is yes to these questions, it’ll show their respective field groups.
I hope I’m explaining what I’m looking for well! 😅 Thanks in advance!