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Can\'t filter posts by ACF user field

  • Hi,

    We have a referral website which is built using Elementor Pro, for a network of local businesses, where they login and create/log referrals they have made for business to each other.

    We’ve used ACF to add business contact and profile data to the user profile, and have used CTP UI to create a post type called Referrals, and ACF to have the custom fields for the referral form.

    It needs to record both the business/user referring, as well as the one being referred. The business referring is the logged in user who is the author of the post, and they select the business/user they hav referred, so we’ve used the users fields from ACF for this.

    In the members area, when they login, we need to show a table/list of referrals they have received, so we need to filter/query our referral post types to only show the posts where the business referred matches the userID of the currently logged in user.

    However, when we go to query in the elementor post widget, and filter by ACF Field, it shows us all the custom fields in our referrals group, except the user field type – the business referred field.

    We’ve even tried installing the Advanced Post Queries plugin but it still doesn’t change being able to see the business referred key.

    Can anyone help as we’re really lost and don’t know how to solve our issue.

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