I have added the taxonomy field to the user settings of my site.
Each user may be assigned to one or more terms.
I can easily loop trough my users and display their terms as an array with id’s by get_field()…
Question is if it’s possible to add one or more terms to the WP_User_Query arguments to filter at query level?
Like i’d only like to fetch users that belong to term id 3… ?
Hi @retypejonas
I don’t believe you can use WP_User_Query for this as it is not native to add term meta to a user.
Have you selected the ‘Save / Load value to post’ option for your taxonomy field?
Perhaps you could perform a meta query instead?
What does ” ‘Save / Load value to post’ ” do?
I looked trough the user_meta database table and noted that the serialized array that stores term id’s wraps each ID in ” and “.
So”meta_compare, LIKE, “term-id” did the trick for now. Hopefully it will not break in the future? 😉
Hi @retypejonas
The save / load option will not only save the postmeta data, but will create connections from the post to the taxnomy term. This is to replicate the functionality of a taxonomy checkbox, like the post category metabox.
This however will not with with a user, only a post.
Nice work on the LIKE SQL, yes, this will be the only option for now and I’ll look into why the ID’s are saving as strings.
Thanks elliot, lets not change the serialized array so that its not queryable 😉