Hi all!
I need to create a bi-directional relationship with my posts. I have created a single relationship system and it works perfectly. I have two types of posts to get related created with Custom Post Type UI. I need to relate only each type with the same type. So field_type A –> A and B –> B.
I followed this guide https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/bidirectional-relationships/, copied it in my functions.php and replaced the field_name in the add_filter parameter but it is not working. The problem is why am I using a different field_type?
I prefer using directly a function instead of using a plugin…
Many thanks for every help! Much appreciated! ^^
There are 2 other examples that have been created by myself and others located in this repo https://github.com/Hube2/acf-filters-and-functions. One of those examples might help you.