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Beginner ACF question and help

  • Hello

    We have a bibliography (~400 articles with more to come) with title, author, publishing date, publishing source, page numbers, a text abstract (~100 words) and a few other bits of data which I have created a database for and a webpage for visitors to come search for articles.

    Right now….
    We are storing the bibliography data in a Google Sheet which I periodically update and import into the back end of our Web site with WP All Import. Data then moves into WP Types’ Toolset which then renders it on a webpage. Toolset was set up – Types and Views – to make all this happen. Toolset has a Search Tool which was also set up. I hope I am explaining it well enough. I think I am. 🙂

    We are looking for a simpler solution and are reaching out to you for guidance.

    Can ACF be used for this type of project?
    How would we set up ACF for this project?
    Can ACF provide a search tool to find items in the database?

    I’d love to learn more and I look forward to hearing from some of you.

    Thank you

  • Hello. I’d love to hear back from a couple of folks here. Anyone working on a similar project who is willing to share from their experience?

    Happy thanksgiving!

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