

Home Forums Front-end Issues Auto collapse all flexible content fields that are nested within a repeater


Auto collapse all flexible content fields that are nested within a repeater

  • I want to automatically collapse all flexible content fields that are nested within a repeater field.

    I am building a restaurant menu that is quite large and each items has multiple pricing options that depend on quantity or toppings.

    I have managed to do this using the flexible content field type that is nested under a repeated field and it works well except for one issue.

    As I mentioned, the menu is quite large and each item itself has 5 fields so it takes up a lot of vertical space as all flexible content fields are opened by default and need to be manually collapsed by clicking on the inverted triangle icon (click to toggle option).

    Is there a way these fields are close by default? Say, as soon as the content is filled-in they automatically collapse instead of having to manually close them?

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