I’m not sure, if ACF is able to create a scenario I’m planning – that’s the cause of the question:
I will have a field group, each field have an own value set (field 1: a,b,c; field 2: 123,456,789; field 3: eur,gbp,usd).
I want to apply certain combination of field values in this group (field 1: a; field 2: 123; field 3: eur;) to certain Woocommerce category.
How to apply same fields and their values to all products in this category? All means currently existing and added in the future.
Example: all Woocommerce categories have field group “watch properties” with fields “diameter” and “thickness”. Category “Swatch Skin” has fields values like “diameter: 30mm”, “thickness: 2mm”. Category view displays both fields and values and the values are searchable with any ACF search plugin.
Now I add to this category some affiliate products – fields and values “diameter: 30mm” and “thickness: 2mm” will be automatically applied to them. Searching in products is not mandatory.
What do you think about getting this scenario done?