I don’t know if it’s related or not. But since upgrading to 6.2.5 a few backups on a certain host started to fail. And it’s only sites that use ACF and the_field(). Ones that does not work fine.
I am quite clueless. The hosts limited log file does not give me a clue. The host says they did not change anything, and MWP says it looks more like something is rejecting/blocking them.
Could the notice system create problems with memory exhaustion or something? I mean either the log entries or the fact that each field goes trough wp_kses_post(). But the sites work fine, and i suppose the backup script does not load templates.
I tried the no notice filter, but still fails to backup.
Does the log just swell or is it rotated? I checked the options table on one of the sites that is an old theme using the_field in excess, and it is around 700 rows / 2 mb. That sounds reasonable. If it created a permanent entry in the options table for each the_field()-call it would have been waay more by now.
Any ideas? I know this forum is not about ManageWP but would appreciate any ideas or experiences