I really searched the forum and stackoverflow, but I don’t get the point:
Trying to read a value from my fields and get an empty return. Why is this?
add_filter('acfe/upload_dir/name=dokumenten_upload', 'gp_directory', 10, 2);
function gp_directory($uploads, $field) {
global $post;
$doctype = get_field("doc_type", $post->ID );
echo $post->ID;
var_dump ($doctype);
“doc_type” ist the name of my field (a select field)
echo $post->ID prints the right value of the current post I create.
Thank you,
Ok, if I update a post, I get an value. This is the stored value on creation.
I think “get_field” does not work with the actual field value (if I create a new post). It reads the previously stored value(?)
How can I populate the value I just insert into the field?
Thank you,