I have been searching through the documentation and support here and cannot find anything that explains if there is a way to create a field type that is simple text with a hyperlink to webpage outside of my site. I have tried the “Page Link” field type but the only available link types are linking to posts, pages, attachments, custom_css, customized_changeset, oembed_cache, cs_template, cs_global_block, cs_header, cs_footer, cs_user templates, etc. When i reviewed the documentation on this page https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/link/ it shows and option to add a url and shows a link type named “LINK” (not “PAGE LINK” as showing in my field type options). Where do I find the field type named just “LINK” as shown on this page https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/link/ where it appears you can add a basic text hyperlink field type?
The link field in new in the last few versions of ACF Pro and is not yet available in the free version from the WP repo.
I usually add a message field type and change the message with the acf/load_field filter:
function rosters_away_message($field){
$field['message'] = "<button style='color:white; background-color:beige' type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-sm'><a target='blank' href='http://'>Add new</a></button><br /><br />".$roster_final;
$field['label'] = " ROSTER";
return $field;
add_filter('acf/load_field/key=field_5929a3d8a859c', 'rosters_away_message');
why it is not yet available? i need use it.
The developer is working on a version on ACF5 for the WP repo. Until then you need to use some other method. Separate fields for URL and Text would be the easiest.