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Adding Link to image

  • Hi

    I have an existing template setup by a developer which uses Custom Fields and am hoping to just add an external link to images in a particular field. I have added a subfield for the link (fund_url) and can add url’s into that field on pages that use the template but I assume from what I can understand here I also need to update the theme file for the page template, which I am unsure of what I would need to do to add it? I have attached the code on the template page currently that relates to this field and am just hoping someone could point me in the right direction to get the additional subfield (fund_url) to work as a link for the image (fund_logo) subfield?

    <article id=”page-locations-health-fund-affiliations-section”>
    <div class=”container”>
    <div class=”row”>
    <div class=”col-md-12″>
    <h2>Health Fund Affiliations</h2>


      // check if the repeater field has rows of data
      if( have_rows(‘health_fund_affiliations’) ):

      // loop through the rows of data
      while ( have_rows(‘health_fund_affiliations’) ) : the_row();
      $fund_logo = get_sub_field(‘fund_logo’);


      else :

      // no rows found




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