i’m not sure if ACF supports what i’m looking for.
I want that Users which are logged in on my community side (with buddy press) can set more informations about themself.
So i need fields that can be filled out from the users in the frontend.
Example: User is logged in on his account, there is a new “BuddyPress User Profile Tabs” called Holiday…and on this Tab there should be more Fields that can be filled out from the User like…Favorite Country, Which countrys i already visited..
Is it possible to use ACF for this issue?
Should i create a field group called holiday and then the Fields Favorite Country and Countrys you visited and show them in the post with a shortcode?
Thanks a lot.
You can remove fields for users not logged in
add_filter('acf/prepare_field/key=field_XXXXXXX', 'only_for_logged_in_users');
only_for_logged_in_users($field) {
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
return $field;
return false;
Hi John,
Thanks vor your reply. My Problem is not the loggin in topic.
My Problem is That i try generelly try to Unterstand how i have to use ACF.
Do i always have to use a Code Skipped Which i paste somewhere in? Or can i just create any fieldtype and use a shortcode to display the field?
I want that users on their buddypress profile can answer to custom fields like „what is your favorite country? Or can choose an counrty Form a selectionlist.
Can i work With shortcodes? Vor Exempel…[acf field="ChooseCounrty"] Or do i have to copy codesnippeds somewhere in?