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add_sub_row or delete_sub_row on repeater dont flush cache

  • Hi, i use add_sub_row and delete_sub_row to modify a hierarchy of repeater of maximum 4 level.

    I dont use the option page because i only want to show the hierarchy of my user.

    Before i use add_sub_row or delete_sub_row i use get_field to have the name of the add or delete sub_row and show a notice of succes of failure.

    Because oh that the value of my repeater is in cache and when i call again get_field it dont show the value add whit add_sub_row or is show the value delete whit delete_sub_row.

    I try to use acf_flush_value_cache but it’s dont work.

    if i refresh my page i see the change.

    acf_flush_value_cache dont work on repeater?

    How can i flush the all cache of acf ?


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