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Add repeater row on post save, only if other field is updated

  • Hello,

    I’m struggling to figure out how to accomplish adding a repeater row to a post ONLY IF another ACF field’s value changed.

    If I use the acf/save_post action with a priority < 10 (before the post is saved), I can compare the field’s value in $_POST compared to what’s currently in the DB for the post via get_field(). However, if I try to use update_field() to add the repeater row, it gets overwritten when $_POST is actually saved — so the new row gets cleared out.

    If I use the acf/save_post action with a priority >= 10 (after the post is saved), there doesn’t seem to be a way to compare if the field value’s changed, but I can get a new value to store via update_field().

    I’ve also tried using acf/update_value, but I’m running into the same priority and comparison issues…

    Any ideas? Thanks!

  • Hi @scferg

    You need to use:

    $row = array(
        'image' => 123,
        'alt'   => 'Another great sunset',
        'link'  => ''
    add_row('images', $row);

    That adds the row rather than using update_field()

  • Hi @jarvis

    Thanks for the info. Which action and priority would you recommend using with add_row() while being able to compare new and old values from the other ACF field?

    Also, how would this scenario work with updating an ACF field that’s not a repeater? Using update_field() didn’t seem to work given the comparisons needed and order of operations in my original post.

    Thank you!

  • HI @scferg

    I would use the acf/save_post filter, according to the docs:

    This action allows you to hook in before or after the $_POST data has been saved, making it useful to perform additional functionality when updating a post or other WP object.

    If you’re trying to update a non-repeater field, then use update_field();

    You could also look at acf/update_value I wonder if this may help more with the comparison side of things.

  • In the scenario what you have outlined, that is to add a row to a repeater only if some other field has changed. This depends on if the repeater is being submitted when the other field is submitted.

    Your comment

    If I use the acf/save_post action with a priority < 10 (before the post is saved), I can compare the field’s value in $_POST compared to what’s currently in the DB for the post via get_field(). However, if I try to use update_field() to add the repeater row, it gets overwritten when $_POST is actually saved — so the new row gets cleared out.

    tells me that this is the case.

    For this I would use an acf/save_post filter with a priority of < 10 so that I can compare the new/old values. In this filter I would modify $_POST[‘acf’] with the added row so that ACF can then update the repeater.

    // example contents of acf/save_post action
    // check to see if the value is change
    if ($_POST['acf']['field_XYZ123'] != get_field('field_name', $post_id)) {
      // build new repeater row
      $row = array(
        // the row requires sub field key => value pairs
        'field_123ACB' => 'new sub field value for this row';
      // add this row to the submitted repeater
      $_POST['acf']['field_ZYX321'][] = $row;
  • Hi @hube2,

    Thanks for the explanation! That did the trick!

    In reading documentation regarding modifying the $_POST data, I wasn’t sure how that would interface with repeater rows as the keys seemed to be named sequentially. Good to know I can modify repeater data this way.

    Thanks so much!

    Thank you, @jarvis as well. 🙂

  • The row index that is submitted is ignored when ACF is updating. It is only needed so that the browser can group the rows correctly in the data.

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