Home › Forums › Add-ons › Repeater Field › Add new Row if Field Value changed
Hello, everyone,
following scenario.
I use ACF to add other fields to users such as weight.
The weight is in a number field.
Now I would like to expand the whole thing with a kind of logbook function.
As soon as the “Weight” value changes (front-end entry), a new entry should automatically be created in the repeater field together with the current date.
I had the following idea, which unfortunately doesn’t work (I’m a beginner)
add_action('acf/save_post', 'my_acf_save_post', 5);
function my_acf_save_post() {
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$user_body_weight = get_field('bodyweight', 'user_'.$user_id);
$current_date = date('Ymd');
// Get previous values.
$prev_values = get_fields( $post_id );
// Get submitted values.
$values = $_POST['acf'];
// Check if a specific value was updated.
if( isset($_POST['acf']['field_615c365c8ba57']) ) {
// Do something.
$row = array(
'field_615acd3d04123' => $user_body_weight,
'field_615acd4904124' => $current_date
add_row(' field_615acd90fb1e4', $row);
Can someone help?
Many greetings
Is the repeater shown on the front end along with the weight input field?
Thanks for the fast respond.
There is a page where only the weight input field and a profile page with repeater and weight input.
If both the input field and the repeater are shown then you cannot use add_row().
The reason for this is that with a priority of <10 ACF has not yet saved new values. When it does it saves the values that have been submitted in the repeater, overwriting the changes you made.
To add a row to the repeater you must alter the array in $POST['acf']['field_615acd90fb1e4']
to add the new row so that ACF can update the values.
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