Hello, I added a from in the frontend edit-account page. There are two submit buttons and the original button is not working. I would be very please if anyone can help.
function action_woocommerce_edit_account_form( ) {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$options = array(
'post_id' => 'user_'.$current_user->ID,
'field_groups' => array(84),
'form' => true,
'return' => add_query_arg( 'updated', 'true', get_permalink() ),
'html_before_fields' => 'Hello',
'html_after_fields' => 'Yes',
'submit_value' => 'Update'
acf_form( $options );
add_action( 'woocommerce_edit_account_form', 'action_woocommerce_edit_account_form', 10, 0 );
When inserting a form inside of another form you need to set
'form' => false