Hello everyone,
I am trying to add a filter for the relationship field located within a group.
The group has the name: link_scope_pages
The relationship field inside the group: items
I tried the following ways but none worked:
add_filter('acf/fields/relationship/query/name=link_scope_pages_items', 'my_function', 10, 3);
add_filter('acf/fields/relationship/query/name=link_scope_pages_$_items', 'my_function', 10, 3);
add_filter('acf/fields/relationship/query/name=link_scope_pages_%_items', 'my_function', 10, 3);
How can I access the relationship field within the group?
I paste the function I call (my_function) that I tested.
function my_function( $args, $field, $post_id ) {
$args = [
'post_type' => 'page',
'meta_query' => [
'key' => '_wp_page_template',
'value' => 'tpl-scope.php',
return $args;
Thanks for support
Hi yes I solved it using the field key within the group.
But I wanted to know how it works via name if it is possible.
To be honest, I don’t know exactly without testing. I do know that the field name is not what you would expect when calls fires the hook. It does have to do with the hierarchy of the field. I would expect your first example to work, but, it the group field also a sub field of some other field? Is it part of a cloned fields?
The only way to find out is to create a filter for all fields and output it to see what the name is.
// all fields filter
add_filter('acf/prepare_field', 'output_field_object');
function output_field_object($field) {
echo '<pre>'; print_r($field); echo '</pre>';
return $field;
There have been times when I needed to use the field name and I have had to create my filter for all fields and then use ‘strpos()` to test the field name or even the field key to see if it is the field I need to filter. There is always some logic to it as to why the name is what it is for the filter.
But for the most part, whenever I am dealing with filtering a sub field of any kind I just use the field key.
with the filter you provided me the answer is this below.
The group is simple and is not contained in other groups or a clone.
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5f1b04a650dbe
[label] =>
[name] => acf[field_5f1b04a650dbe]
[prefix] => acf
[type] => group
[value] => Array
[field_5fad6bdaa2903] => 1
[field_5f1b0571deda4] =>
[menu_order] => 0
[instructions] =>
[required] => 0
[id] => acf-field_5f1b04a650dbe
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => group_5f1b04a64d28d
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[layout] => block
[_name] => link_scope_pages
[_valid] => 1
[sub_fields] => Array
[0] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad6bdaa2903
[label] => Automatico
[name] => is_automatic
[prefix] => acf
[type] => true_false
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 0
[instructions] =>
[required] => 0
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => field_5f1b04a650dbe
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[message] =>
[default_value] => 1
[ui] => 1
[ui_on_text] =>
[ui_off_text] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 0
[_name] => is_automatic
[_valid] => 1
[1] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5f1b0571deda4
[label] => Seleziona pagine ambito
[name] => items
[prefix] => acf
[type] => relationship
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 1
[instructions] =>
[required] => 1
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[field] => field_5fad6bdaa2903
[operator] => !=
[value] => 1
[parent] => field_5f1b04a650dbe
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[post_type] => Array
[0] => page
[taxonomy] =>
[filters] => Array
[0] => search
[elements] => Array
[0] => featured_image
[min] =>
[max] =>
[return_format] => object
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 0
[_name] => items
[_valid] => 1
[_prepare] => 1
I don’t know why the group field has that name in this case.
What happens if you change add filter to
add_filter('acf/prepare_field', 'output_field_object', 1);
what name should it have?
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad1c053194c
[label] =>
[name] => acf[field_5fad1c053194c]
[prefix] => acf
[type] => group
[value] => Array
[field_5fad1f55299f4] =>
[field_5fad1c313194d] => 1
[field_5fad1c493194e] => Array
[0] => Array
[field_5fad1c733194f] => Emergenze
[field_5fad1d7e31954] => 1
[field_5fad643cea81d] => Array
[field_5f9c1fb8b4913] => Array
[field_5f9c211cb4914] => 6925
[field_5f9c27fab4915] => Scopri di più
[field_5fad1cde31950] => Lorem ipsum
[field_5fad1cf131951] => Prestiamo soccorso alle popolazioni vittime di emergenze umanitarie, attraverso la distribuzione di beni primari e la ricostruzione. Oltre l’emergenza, creiamo le condizioni perché l’aiuto si trasformi in un percorso di sviluppo e autonomia per le comunità locali.
[field_5fad1dea31955] => 7004
[1] => Array
[field_5fad1c733194f] => Sviluppo
[field_5fad1d7e31954] => 0
[field_5fad643cea81d] => Array
[field_5f9c1fb8b4913] => Array
[field_5f9c211cb4914] =>
[field_5f9c27fab4915] =>
[field_5fad1cde31950] => Test
[field_5fad1cf131951] => Prestiamo soccorso alle popolazioni vittime di emergenze umanitarie, attraverso la distribuzione di beni primari e la ricostruzione. Oltre l’emergenza, creiamo le condizioni perché l’aiuto si trasformi in un percorso di sviluppo e autonomia per le comunità locali. Prestiamo soccorso alle popolazioni vittime di emergenze umanitarie, attraverso la distribuzione di beni primari e la ricostruzione. Oltre l’emergenza, creiamo le condizioni perché l’aiuto si trasformi in un percorso di sviluppo e autonomia per le comunità locali.
[field_5fad1dea31955] => 7007
[menu_order] => 0
[instructions] =>
[required] => 0
[id] => acf-field_5fad1c053194c
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => group_5fad1bae10663
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[layout] => block
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 0
[_name] => featured_blocks
[_valid] => 1
[sub_fields] => Array
[0] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad1f55299f4
[label] => Informazioni
[name] =>
[prefix] => acf
[type] => message
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 0
[instructions] =>
[required] => 0
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => field_5fad1c053194c
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 0
[message] => In evidenza mostra in alto alla pagina subito dopo la testata uno o più blocchi (con metodologia tab) contenenti titolo, descrizione, immagine ed eventuale link se reso visibile della pagina selezionata.
[new_lines] => wpautop
[esc_html] => 0
[_name] =>
[_valid] => 1
[1] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad1c313194d
[label] => Attivo
[name] => is_active
[prefix] => acf
[type] => true_false
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 1
[instructions] =>
[required] => 0
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => field_5fad1c053194c
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[message] =>
[default_value] => 0
[ui] => 1
[ui_on_text] =>
[ui_off_text] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 0
[_name] => is_active
[_valid] => 1
[2] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad1c493194e
[label] => Blocchi in evidenza
[name] => items
[prefix] => acf
[type] => repeater
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 2
[instructions] =>
[required] => 1
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[field] => field_5fad1c313194d
[operator] => ==
[value] => 1
[parent] => field_5fad1c053194c
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 0
[collapsed] => field_5fad1c733194f
[min] => 1
[max] => 0
[layout] => block
[button_label] => Aggiungi blocco
[_name] => items
[_valid] => 1
[sub_fields] => Array
[0] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad1c733194f
[label] => Etichetta
[name] => label
[prefix] => acf
[type] => text
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 0
[instructions] =>
[required] => 1
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => field_5fad1c493194e
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 2
[default_value] =>
[placeholder] =>
[prepend] =>
[append] =>
[maxlength] =>
[_name] => label
[_valid] => 1
[1] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad1d7e31954
[label] => Link a pagina
[name] => cta_is_active
[prefix] => acf
[type] => true_false
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 1
[instructions] =>
[required] => 0
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => field_5fad1c493194e
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 0
[message] =>
[default_value] => 0
[ui] => 1
[ui_on_text] =>
[ui_off_text] =>
[_name] => cta_is_active
[_valid] => 1
[2] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad643cea81d
[label] =>
[name] => link
[prefix] => acf
[type] => clone
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 2
[instructions] =>
[required] => 0
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[field] => field_5fad1d7e31954
[operator] => ==
[value] => 1
[parent] => field_5fad1c493194e
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[clone] => Array
[0] => group_5f9c1faa3f1a8
[display] => group
[layout] => block
[prefix_label] => 1
[prefix_name] => 0
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 0
[_name] => link
[_valid] => 1
[sub_fields] => Array
[0] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5f9c1fb8b4913
[label] =>
[name] => link_to_page
[prefix] => acf
[type] => group
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 0
[instructions] =>
[required] => 0
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => group_5f9c1faa3f1a8
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 1
[layout] => block
[_name] => link_to_page
[_valid] => 1
[sub_fields] => Array
[0] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5f9c211cb4914
[label] => Collegamento
[name] => post
[prefix] => acf
[type] => post_object
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 0
[instructions] => Seleziona il collegamento dall'elenco.
[required] => 1
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => field_5f9c1fb8b4913
[wrapper] => Array
[width] => 50
[class] =>
[id] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 1
[post_type] => Array
[0] => page
[taxonomy] =>
[allow_null] => 0
[multiple] => 0
[return_format] => object
[ui] => 1
[_name] => post
[_valid] => 1
[1] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5f9c27fab4915
[label] => Etichetta pulsante
[name] => label
[prefix] => acf
[type] => text
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 1
[instructions] => Se il campo non viene valorizzato, viene preso automaticamente il titolo.
[required] => 0
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => field_5f9c1fb8b4913
[wrapper] => Array
[width] => 50
[class] =>
[id] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 2
[default_value] =>
[placeholder] =>
[prepend] =>
[append] =>
[maxlength] =>
[_name] => label
[_valid] => 1
[_clone] => field_5fad643cea81d
[__key] => field_5f9c1fb8b4913
[__name] => link_to_page
[__label] =>
[3] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad1cde31950
[label] => Titolo
[name] => title
[prefix] => acf
[type] => text
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 3
[instructions] =>
[required] => 0
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => field_5fad1c493194e
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 2
[default_value] =>
[placeholder] =>
[prepend] =>
[append] =>
[maxlength] =>
[_name] => title
[_valid] => 1
[4] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad1cf131951
[label] => Descrizione
[name] => description
[prefix] => acf
[type] => textarea
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 4
[instructions] =>
[required] => 1
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => field_5fad1c493194e
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[default_value] =>
[placeholder] =>
[maxlength] =>
[rows] => 3
[new_lines] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 2
[_name] => description
[_valid] => 1
[5] => Array
[ID] => 0
[key] => field_5fad1dea31955
[label] => Immagine
[name] => image_desktop
[prefix] => acf
[type] => image_aspect_ratio_crop
[value] =>
[menu_order] => 5
[instructions] =>
[required] => 1
[id] =>
[class] =>
[conditional_logic] => 0
[parent] => field_5fad1c493194e
[wrapper] => Array
[width] =>
[class] =>
[id] =>
[wpml_cf_preferences] => 0
[crop_type] => aspect_ratio
[aspect_ratio_width] => 567
[aspect_ratio_height] => 401
[return_format] => array
[preview_size] => full
[library] => all
[min_width] =>
[min_height] =>
[min_size] =>
[max_width] =>
[max_height] =>
[max_size] =>
[mime_types] =>
[_name] => image_desktop
[_valid] => 1
[_prepare] => 1
This is my filter that works
function filter_relationship_acf_scope_pages( $args, $field, $post_id ) {
$args = [
'post_type' => 'page',
'meta_query' => [
'key' => '_wp_page_template',
'value' => 'tpl-scope.php',
return $args;
add_filter('acf/fields/relationship/query/key=field_5f1b0571deda4', 'filter_relationship_acf_scope_pages', 10, 3);
I’m not sure what is causing your issue. I just set up a test field group containing a group field with a relationship field as a sub field. The name of the relationship field is simply “relationship”. I then added an acf/fields/relationship/query/name=relationship and this filter runs as expected.
Hi, my filter works if I put the name of the relationship field.
My problem is that I have many group fields with relationship fields inside all with the name “items” so the filter applies to all these fields.
I want to apply the filter only to the group field with the name “link_scope_pages” and in particular to its relation subfield with the name “items”.
From various topics such as wp_query I tried to use the group name “_” name of the subfield relationship “link_scope_pages_items” but this doesn’t work.
Here is my problem.
At the moment I solved it with the key name of the relationship subfield (it seems to be unique), but I wanted to know if there was a solution with the names or even putting conditions inside the filter.
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