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ACFields not showing in Post Edit, ACF not in Screen Options

  • ACF Missing Recently I went to an old post to update some data and the ACF fields are missing in the post edit.

    Not in Screen Options I look at the Screen options and there is no option for WP native Custom Fields or for ACF fields.

    Disable ACF? I disable ACF, and WP native Custom Fields shows up in Screen Option, and I enable it… it shows me ACF fields in a non-typical format. Okay.

    I re-active ACF and its all gone again.

    I looked at a number of similar threads and have not gotten any answers thus far.

    Misc I use Avada and ACF Basic

  • Carefully working through all the settings, I see that the location rule for the field group had been changed.

    FYI, I think this happened when I changed the name of the target category. The rule (apparently?) reset itself to target the “uncategorized” category.

    Maybe this is a bug?

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