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ACF_form: Populate Flexible Field Content

  • I’m try to load content into a flexible content field on an acf_form. Using the ‘acf/load_field’ filter, I can duplicate the rows and types. However, the content is not loading into the rows. Here is the current code:

    function copy_flex( $field ) {
       $post_id = isset( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ) ? $_GET['post_id'] : '';
       $resources = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'resources', true);
       if ( $resources ) {
          $value  = array();
          foreach( $resources as $i => $resource ) {
             $acf_fc_layout = $resource;
             $label = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'resources_' . $i . '_label', true );
             $url = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'resources_' . $i . '_url', true );
             if ( $acf_fc_layout == 'link' ) {
               $value[] = array(
                 'acf_fc_layout' => $acf_fc_layout,
                 'field_56e8dc9848480' => array(
                   'label' => $label,
                   'url'   => $url
          $field['value'] = $value;
       return $field;
    add_filter('acf/load_field', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\copy_flex');

    Can someone help? Thanks!

  • Figured it out. Each of the items in the value array needed the corresponding field key rather than the field name:

    $value[] = array(
      'acf_fc_layout'  => $acf_fc_layout,
      'subfield_key_1' => $label,
      'subfield_key_2' => $url
  • Can you please share the ultimate code?

  • This reply has been marked as private.
  • Hi,

    Do you have an example of this I could reference?

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