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acf_form edit image from the frontend

  • Hi everyone,

    I’m using acf_form to create a frontend editing experience.

    However when it comes to editing images that have been added to a wysiwyg field post or being uploaded and added to a post the link ‘Edit Image’ link you get takes you to: {{site_url}}/wp-admin/post.php?post={{postID}}&action=edit&image-editor

    When editing in the backend the ‘Edit Image’ link magically ajax’s in the image editor so you stay within the post editing experience.

    Is there a way to mimic this behaviour in the frontend so that when you are using acf_form and uploading images any image editing can stay in the frontend?


  • +1 Looking for exactly this too. Using acf_form with a Gallery field – need to keep users in the front end, but the ‘Edit Image’ link takes you to the backend. With my specific requirement just being able to rotate and resave an image via the front end would be enough.

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