Hi. What I am trying to achieve is to display a static google map image for smaller devices and a normal “active” map for bigger screens. The position of the map is based on some custom fields from ACF. With Foundation it is possible to use multiple php/html files that get swapped on browser resize. So in this case I have 2 files and my markup looks like this.
<div class="columns" data-interchange="[<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/map-small.php, (default)], [<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/map-medium.php, (medium)]"></div>
… inside map-small.php I have these values:
<?php $location = get_field('location');
$lat = $location['lat'];
$lng = $location['lng']; ?>
but I get a fatal error: Call to undefined function get_field()
Can someone help me out here?
Hi @ingvi,
Thanks for the post.
The error indicates that you are calling the get_field() before ACF has been loaded for the page template.
I would recommend that you call the function from within the acf/init action.
This action is described in detail here: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acfinit/
I hope this helps.