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ACF Radio Buttons + WPML

  • Hello!
    I’m a little stuck 🙁 so decided to open a topic and maybe someone came across similiar problem.

    I have trilanguage site. I’ve added a group with seven custom fields, which one of these are radio button. I’ve entered it in that format:
    Red : Red
    Blue : Blue

    function status_func() {
    if (get_post_type() == 'sell') {$status_s = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'sell_state', true);}
    if (get_post_type() == 'rent') {$status_s = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'rent_state', true);}
    return $status_s.'<br />';
    add_shortcode('status', 'status_func');

    As you can see, I’ve also added a shortcode to display meta value assigned to post.

    I’d like to:
    1. Sync “sell_state’ or ‘rent_state’ across the three languages. So I pick a radio button at my main language, and it also updates on other two. Dunno if it’s possible, as wpml creates new posts for each language, but maybe someone have some smart php for that 🙂
    2. Translate value returned with shortcode. Now on every language I have Red, and I’d like to translate it. And this one I believe is possible, but I cannot figure out how 🙁


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