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ACF Pro with addons

  • Hi,
    We have some queries regarding developer license.

    1. We purchased two add-ons “Flexible Content” and “Gallery”. But, there is a issue that both add-ons are purchased with two different email IDs. And, we want to purchase ACF Pro Developer license.
    So, it possible that we can claim for discount on both add-ons in single dev license?

    2. When we are clicking on Claim link, it’s adding personal license item in purchase cart and applying discount on this. And, we want to purchase Developer license. It is possible to apply claim on developer license directly? Or, if we purchased personal license then it can upgraded to developer license later with difference cost?

    3. If we purchase the developer license then we can download the separate old add-ons to use with some sites using old ACF version?

  • I am waiting for reply on this.

  • I got a similar question, I wanna take some premium addons and want to know if there’s a discount or something for purchase all of them.

  • Hi @elliot
    I am still waiting for reply on to proceed further. As there are my some projects in the queue, in which we want to use the ACF Pro.

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