

Home Forums Bug Reports ACF Pro 5.7.11 breaks Elementor integration.


ACF Pro 5.7.11 breaks Elementor integration.

  • hello,

    Since upgrading to ACF Pro 5.7.11 I can no longer add acf database keys to Elementor, thus I cannot add any dynamic content from acf fields using Elementor. Downgrading back to the previous version and all works fine again.

  • Hi @nerdtech

    Thanks for the bug report.
    Can you please provide some step by step instructions to replicate the issue?

  • Same issue today for me as well. Updated and lost ability to select acf keys from Elementor dynamic field drop down. Strange rename to field as well.

  • Hi all,

    My apologies for the issues in version 5.7.11.
    I am confident we have found and fixed the issue.

    Can you please re-download the ACF PRO plugin files and test the issue?

    An easy way to re-download is to edit the main acf.php plugin file and change the version number ‘5.7.11’ down to ‘5.7.10’
    – please note the version number appears twice in this file and both will need to be changed
    – after this change is made, please update the plugin as per normal and it will update to 5.7.11 (including the new fix)

  • thank you, the update fixed the issue for me…

  • Good day to all,
    I’m have the same issues. Is there going to be an official fix?

  • Good day to all,
    I’m experiencing the same issues. Is there gonna be an official fix?

  • Yes, fixed it. Thanks for the quick fix!

  • Thanks for the feedback!

  • hey,
    I’m having the same issue with ACF and ACF Pro.
    I build a custom slider with dynamic image and dynamic text heading.
    today, when I change the image in the populated field and it doesn’t change the picture, also the same problem applies to text fields as well.

    its use to work fine, I’m currently using you license with Upress hosting
    ACF Pro is x.x.13 and the ACF is x.x.12.
    I need that ASAP.
    Tnx ppl

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