I used ACF Post-2-Post plugin to create relations between portfolio post and product item’s.
When i select (using relationship field of ACF) a product on portfolio post (that i created fields with ACF)it’s appears on product item when i edit. But nothing appears on portfolio post view, neither on product page.
As far as i understood the ACF Post-2-Post plugin normaly make appear the view on front that i don’t get it how without doing any manipulation for it.
Any help to resolve the probleme or suggestions to created relations between portfolio items and products item. The goal is to see related projects on single product page and related product on project page.
I use Elementor Pro and Hello Theme
That plugin does not do anything to show related posts on the front end of the site. You still need to code the templates to use the relationship or post object fields
Thanks for your answer, i saw if i pass to ACF Pro version there is a widget to display related post on front, you thing this can be enough to realise “link to related projects to single product / and vice versa” fonctunality without coding templates?