I have created some new ACF fields and it’s working fine and displaying the value.
but I have like 600 fields not updated these fields doesn’t appear on the backend unless i click update post.
I tried to bulk update posts but it didn’t work.
I tried to use this code to force update field but no success as well
$value = (int)get_field('starter_annual_plan_free_trial_url');
if (!$value) {
$value ++;
update_field('starter_annual_plan_free_trial_url', $value );
If the field value does not already exist in the database then you must use the field key when calling update_field()
I’ve added the field key on update_field() yet still no change fields doesn’t appear on the backend
$value = (int)get_field('starter_annual_plan_free_trial_url');
if (!$value) {
$value ++;
update_field('field_630b347f73ee1', $value );
going to need more information to understand your problem and what you are trying to accomplish.