Hello, I am a website developer for a medical clinic and there I created custom post_types such as specialties, specialists and units and I need to relate all this information in an intelligent and dynamic way. I’m using ACF V6.0.6 and Pods to create the post_types.
I followed this tutorial as a guide -> youtube.com/watch?v=oHFa7QwuPgU, I did everything exactly the same, but it didn’t work as expected, in fact the bi relational part is working perfectly, the only problem is: The result printed on the screen is coming as ID instead of object post, I want to display the Speciallist specialty that’s all! But, the speciality ID comes instead of the speciality name.
PRINT-03 ACF.png (Ex: Dr. Alice is an ophthalmologist)
PRINT-04 and PRINT05 show me adding the ACF to the Oxygen builder, but the result shows the ID, not the name of the specialty I need.