Here I launch my question, thanks in advance for your time.
I am designing an architecture webpage:
Frist, using CPT UI I created two different types of posts: architects and works.
Second, with elementor I created two different templates, one for the architects and anotherone for the architects’ works.
In third place, I created a bunch of custom fields that apear in each of the post types, depending on the type itself. In the post type “works” I created a field call “author”, so I can relate the work to the architect that did it.
What I wanted was showing in each of the architects all of their work, so using the elementor portfolio widget I started playing with the query option on the elementor template.
I found that using the plugin “Advanced Post Queries” I can relate a custom field with a title, so elementor shows in an architect with that title all of the works that contain the title on the custom field “author” that same title
My main problem is here, using a text field works fine, but you need to write te architect name exactly the same way as it apears on the title. This seems easy but when you need to write hundreds of works it gets rought, but even more when different writters need to do this in perfect synch. I though that a relationship field or a Post Object could work fine since you chose the “author” from existing titles, but this doesn’t seem to work. Any idea why this happens? and is there any easier way to achive this?
Thanks for your time, I can show images if needed