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  • @elliot, I figured as much. I tried a number of things before coming here, so I supposed that the feature hadn’t been included yet. Maybe with some guidance I can help get this into a future version.

    I’m just using the standard add_editor_style() to add custom styles to the backend wysiwyg boxes. This custom style works on both the_content and on acf wysiwyg fields.

    The custom style doesn’t work on the wysiwyg fields on the frontend. Looking at the source, there is a JS object called “tinyMCEPreInit” in the footer, which contains an element called “content_css”, which holds the url of the custom stylesheet. “tinyMCEPreInit” on the frontend looks similar to what’s on the backend, except that it doesn’t have the “content_css” element.

    I looked in the plugin and it looks like ACF might have a homegrown version of the wysiwyg field? I couldn’t tell if you’ve switched to using wp_editor() yet.

    wp_editor() has an argument called “editor_css”, presumably for that “content_css” element. If acf’s system is homegrown, maybe it would be possible to add an “editor_css” argument to the $options array for acf_form(), which could hold the url of the editor stylesheet. Or better yet, it would be nice if it just used the same logic to know when I’m calling add_editor_style(), which gets called through the ‘init’ action, so it should be available on the frontend.