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  • Hi Mike.

    Thanks a lot for simplifying the logic but i think i have multiple values in meta_value so how can i make a condition that if the page id appears in the meta_value then show that post here.

    Also, this is what i have currently in the field

    post_id = 116 (eg)
    meta_key = make_partner_featured
    meta_value = meta_value = a:1:{i:0;s:3:”mypageid”;}

    mypageid is what i have selected while adding a partner.

    I have attached 3 screenshots, 2 of field group and one for the page where i want it to appear. As i am not an expert in wordpress so it would be great to make a query to fetch that record or the piece of code that will fetch the required record.

    Thanks Mike, I really appreciate your help.

    Kind Regards,
    Abdul Mannan