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  • Hi @elliot

    Sorry if I’m not clear, English is not my natural language 🙂
    I’ll try to explain what I want my users can do :

    I need a field which allow my user to type a text whith format option (WYSIWIG I suppose) and I need that text to be render in 2 ways in front end :
    – 1 plain text version
    – 1 HTML version insert in a < pre > < code > section.

    Use case is : My user type a text for example “My tailor is rich !” > on front it will render this text in 2 versions :
    – 1 versions in a readable format : My tailor is rich !
    – and another version in a < pre > < code > section with all html markup : < p >My tailor is < strong >rich< / strong > !< / p >

    My first though was to use the WYSIWIG field type but I wonder how to make it render plain text HTML. Using a filter maybe ?

    Hope this time I was more explicit 🙂 If not, will continue my investigation ^^