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  • Hi Elliot,

    Thanks once again for your help, but I’ve got a couple of questions.

    1) Sorry my PHP skills are still coming along and I’m unsure how would I go about doing that, could you point me in the right direction?

    2) I see you have defined a single sub field name, but It could be from multiple possibilities as it is a flexible content area with more than one layout which have different sub fields. How would I check for this?

    I’ve attached a screen shot of my fields if this helps explain what I have.

    Also reading about the acf/update_value has got me thinking, would it be possible to populate the default WP content editor with the content stored in the ACF fields I have? As this may allow Yoasts SEO plugin to ‘scan’ through the content within ACF without it going through ACF. I just wouldn’t display it on the front-end of the site.

    Just a thought.

    Thanks again.