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  • Thank for your reply @elliot I will try this solution. I work on another solution but I do not know yet if it’s the most efficient.

    My solution is as follows:

    I create a “next_page” field. Whenever WordPress meets a flexible field, I increment my content in a variable $myContent.

    When WordPress meets a field next_page I do this:
    $myContent = "<--nextpage -->\n"
    at the end of my loop I attribute $myCONTENT to the_content() and I appear like this:

    global $ post;
    $post-> post_content = $MyContent;
    remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');

    This works well but I do not know what it is worth in terms of performance.
    Your solution looks more flexible. I would try in the coming days.
    thank you very much